
Warriors Themed Discord Bot

General Questions

You can set your warrior name by using '/profile set name' with the name option as your new name, the name must match both canon prefixes and suffixes, an example can be '/profile set name name:sandstorm'

The profile command allows you to change your clan, find the command in the command list or help command to understand how to do so.

Unfortunately Littlecloud no longer supports making new art submissions. Fanart is still appreciated, but will not be considered.

Prey Questions

Prey has been removed from the bot for a lack of uses. However, if the majority wants it back it may be re-added.

There isn't exactly 'prey' in the nursery command, it is rather a 'food' meter that shows how much you are allowed to feed your kittens. This meter will only recharge over time.

Apprentice Questions

The apprentice command is time-based, depending on how much you used them before they got tired, make it take longer for them to recover and become usable again, a few hours is a good amount of time to wait.

Yes, you can promote your apprentice into a warrior once they hit level 24, promoted apprentices grant a permanent stackable 10% bonus for any future experience received.

When you use the command, you will see a prompt underneath their status, that is when you can perform a particular action.

Apprentice actions and prompts are generated by your Discord ID as well as the current hour, sometimes it may not make too much of a difference, or you're just unlucky.

These are your apprentice's stats, the higher the values will make your apprentice both more experienced and allow more experience gained for your actions. Strength increases your chances slightly in combat, reduces chance of injury, and allows your apprentice to heal faster. Agility allows your apprentice to recover quicker after performing tiring tasks. Intellect allows you to receive more experience on most things you do.